Autism Therapy Northampton

Let’s Talk Autism is a specialist speech and language therapy service working UK wide. We have contracts with schools in London, Northampton, Milton Keynes and Kettering. We work with children and young people from birth to twenty-five and provide support both at home and in education or residential facilities.

We are dedicated to enhancing the communication and interaction skills of children and young people on the autism spectrum. We specialise in supporting children and young people with complex communication and learning differences.

Let’s Talk Autism provide comprehensive assessment and treatment for a variety of communication differences, including Dyspraxia, Down Syndrome, Developmental Language Disorder and Autism. We also offer bespoke and accredited training or workshops to schools, centres and families to help everyone better understand the communication needs of our very special children and young people.

We value total communication and believe in teaching functional skills that will scaffold learning across lifelong development. We are trained in many approaches including SCERTS, PECS, Makaton, Hanen, ELKLAN and Solution Focused Therapy. We also use naturalistic treatment approaches and can deliver reiki as part of your therapy programme. Hendrix, the therapy dog also attends some of our sessions and sends client’s important feedback cards to help support young people achieve their therapy outcomes.

Lets Talk Autism
Let's Talk Autism | Northamptonshire Speech and Language Therapist

Support for Children
and Young Adults

Let's Talk Autism | Northamptonshire Speech and Language Therapist

Ensure Positive

Let's Talk Autism | Northamptonshire Speech and Language Therapist

Timely Access

Our goal is to ensure positive communication and interaction in all that we do. This encompasses establishing clear lines of communication with others who work with and interact with your child. We will ensure regular review of your programme and feedback after sessions to consider the outcomes and ensure that we continue to meet your child’s needs in the best possible way.

We work in partnership with local authorities, schools, families and other professionals to ensure that we provide the most appropriate programme of support.

Our goal is to ensure timely access to support from an appropriately skilled clinician. We therefore work in partnership with local authorities, schools, families and other professionals to ensure that we provide the most appropriate programme.

Let’s Talk have established links with a Northamptonshire based Clinical Psychologist to provide assessment and joint intervention where appropriate for children and young adults with suspected social communication differences or learning needs. You can learn more about this service by visiting or by contacting us through the contact form.

Autism Values