Speech and Language Therapy

Let’s Talk Autism Ltd are proud to provide Speech and Language Therapy at the heart of their services.

We trained as Speech and Language Therapists and are registered with the Health and Care Professions Council, The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists and The Association of Speech and Language Therapists in Independent Practice. We hold Enhanced DBS Certificates.

Speech and Language Therapy can help children in several ways. We work with children who have differences with their:

  • Attention and listening skills
  • Understanding of spoken or written language
  • Vocabulary or word development
  • Use of grammar or sentences for spoken and written communication
  • Reading and reading comprehension
  • Speech sounds and speech fluency
  • Social interaction
  • Play

Speech and Language Therapy always starts with an assessment of strengths and difficulties. We use a variety of assessment techniques and provide a full report with therapy outcomes, recommendations, and ideas for parents that they can access without specialist support.

We aim to upskill YOU to help your child and we value joint working with other professionals who may also be involved in the care or education of your child.

We will assess and provide therapy both in your home and at your child’s school or nursery setting.

Therapy is lots of fun, we use play to help your children learn the skills they need to communicate effectively. Therapy can be delivered individually or sometimes we offer small group sessions to help children generalise skills that they have learnt with others.

We may suggest indirect support for you and your child. This means working with parents or teaching staff to change something in the environment or during a lesson to help make communication more effective. This is an important approach to take as we understand that sometimes a little change in the environment can make a huge difference to a child with communication differences.